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Tri Pac's number one core value is safety and environmental responsibility. We take these pillars of corporate sustainability seriously and are committed to continually improving our safety performance and our efforts to protect the natural environment that supports the communities in which we operate.

"We Do Not Inherit the Earth from Our Ancestors; We Borrow It from Our Children"

Environmental Sustainability Priorities and Progress:


Reduce waste, pollution and carbon footprint


  • Use of low GWP propellants

  • Recycling cardboard packaging

  • Recycling aluminum and steel aerosol cans

  • Recycling plastic waste

  • Recycling lead batteries

  • Recycling electronic devices

  • Recycling wooden pallets

  • Recycling steel, plastic and fiber drums

  • Recycling office paper and publications

  • Air monitoring at production facilities


Reduce resource consumption


  • Use of plant based ethanol and solvents

  • Use of T8 efficient fluorescent lamps

  • Use of electronic frequency drives for motors

  • Reclamation of product and propellant

  • Line scheduling to reduce scrap

  • Use of nitrogen blanketing to reduce emissions


Develop green product and packaging solutions


  • Formulate products that are VOC responsible

  • Use of Low GWP propellant

Increase employee participation and engagement


  • EHS Training to every new employee and annual retesting

  • Waste collection receptacles classifying recyclable and non-recyclable wastes


Covid-19 Response

In 2020/2021 Tri-Pac was able to lead by example and contributed 

  • 200,000 hand and surface sanitizers

  • 250,000 face masks including N95

  • 60,000 meals to staff and first responders

  • 30,000 oxygen single use cans

to various non-profits, government offices, hospitals, clinics and essential personnel across United States and India.

Conflict Minerals

Recent US legislation has mandated that US corporations report whether they or their suppliers purchase certain “Conflict Minerals”, or purchase products made with or from those minerals. Tri-Pac is involved in the procurement of cans, pumps and valves from around the world for clients who are required to be in compliance with H.R. 4173, the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, otherwise known as the Dodd-Frank Act. Specifically Section 1502 of this law imposes supply-chain reporting requirements on U.S. companies sourcing conflict minerals from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and the surrounding regions (together, the DRC countries). These minerals are known as the “Conflict Minerals” and include tin (Cassiterite), tungsten (Wolframite), tantalum (Columbite-tanalite or coltan), and gold (commonly referred to as the 3T’s and gold, or 3TG).


Tri-Pac does not purchase or use in the manufacture of its products any conflict minerals identified in Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Act, therefore our products are considered DRC Conflict Free.*


It is the responsibility of our customers to determine that their use of our product(s) is safe, lawful, and technically suitable in their intended applications. Because of possible changes in the laws and regulations, as well as possible changes in our products, we cannot guarantee the status of our products will remain unchanged. We therefore recommend that customers continuing to use our products verify its status periodically.

Safety at Tri Pac

We are proud of our commitment to safety in the workplace. We take seriously our responsibility to ensure that every employee returns home at the end of a work day in the same condition they arrived in, and we strive for zero recordable injuries and no injury-related lost time in our workplace.


Safety in the Workplace


  • Over $200,000 in 2020 -23 spent on employee training and safety in accordance with FDA, GMP, NSF, ISO, OSHA, EPA, DEQ, DOT, NFPA and other applicable working areas including Flammable handling, Forklift training, Machine handling and others.


In 2023 Tri - Pac proudly  implemented/ continued to retain the following:


  • Environment, Health & Safety Manual

  • UL GMP for OTC

  • UL Health Canada OTC

  • ISO 13485: 2016 Certification

  • ISO 22716: 2016 Certification

  • ISO 9001: 2015 Certification

  • ISO 14001:2015 Certification

  • Corporate Safety Policy

  • Safety Management System

  • Safety Committee

  • General Safety Rules

  • In-house Certification Program

2023 Safety Achievements


Contribute to sustainable, successful communities

Since 2009 we have contributed to the following worldwide organizations:



  • Breast Cancer Hub

  • Charity Water

  • Doctors Care

  • DINNødhjælp

  • Free the Slaves Foundation

  • GBS/CIDP Foundation

  • Habitat for Humanity Restore

  • Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

  • Maiti Nepal

  • Movember Foundation

  • Mt. Sinai Health Systems, NYC

  • Northwestern University Foundation

  • Prostance Cancer Foundation

  • Riley Children's Hospital

  • Samarpan Foundation


  • University of Illinois Foundation

  • University of South California


Safety in the Community


  • Over $3,250,000 spent on safety systems to protect the employees, the local community and the environment.*

*Tri-Pac Inc. provides the information contained herein in good faith but makes no representation as to its comprehensiveness or accuracy. 

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